Programming for the deprogrammed

Programming for the deprogrammed

Programming for the deprogrammed

 Naomi Wolf sees dead people.


15 SEPT 2023

Pity is the practice of nihilism. This depressive and contagious instinct crosses those instincts which aim at the preservation of life and at the enhancement of its value. It multiplies misery and conserves all that is miserable, and is thus a prime instrument of the advancement of decadence: pity persuades men to nothingness!

— Nietzsche

Among The Deprogrammed

In a recent piece, the former Esteemed Public Intellectual Dr. Naomi Wolf presents her ethnographic observations of our species-altering event via Pharmakeia’s injectibles for transhumanism’s paradigm global paraplegic shift.

The crippling of our species with sudden coincidences and emerging turbo illnesses is only one facet of this onslaught. The results have inflicted spiritual despair onto those who perceive it and can accurately attribute it to the source.

But what about that despair and misattribution?

Dr. Wolf is sure there is something awry with people, and it might be everyone who took the shot. She has seen it with her own eyes.

Indifferent parents. Babies not connecting with their mothers. Central Park devoid of so many affectionate lovers who used to meander aimlessly, hands in each other’s pockets, mouths wrapped around each end of a hot dog.

People in American airport terminals now materialize to Dr. Wolf as lumbering half-sentient zombies. (My words, not hers.)

Though I would ask Dr. Wolf, when have they not?

It’s just a question, and Dr. Wolf likes questions.

She senses invisible alterations among the injected that weren’t there pre-2021.

I have described how I feel that when I hug vaccinated loved ones, that they seem light and frail and ethereal — that I can barely “find” them, energetically – and that only an echo or memory of their earlier “energy fields” survive.

The savior image, hugging vaccinated loved ones—wounded victims.

Regarding the absent energy fields, I detect the same thing when I see footage of people at Burning Man, Coachella, TED Talks, Crypto Conferences, or Tech launch events. They do not appear human. Their energy fields are absent. They resemble interdimensional time-traveling sheep, gathering at poisoned feeding troughs, waddling toward the slaughterhouse.

But it’s not just Wolf who sees this, she has receipts. She has heard it from first-hand energy experts.

Body workers — massage therapists, Reiki therapists, acupuncturists, healers from various modalities — have told me that the energy fields of their own clients have changed dramatically since the clients’ mRNA vaccination. Unvaccinated customers of such services, for their parts, have described the fact that they don’t bother booking with vaccinated healers, since the “energy fields’’ in those practitioners’ hands, no longer make them feel better.

As we now have the privilege of (probably) knowing, only a third of the Pfizer doses appear to have been fully laced with experimental poisons —self-assembling nanostructures, hydrogel, quantum dots, graphene, cancer igniters, fragments from the lost city of Atlantis, Jimmy Hoffa’s pubic hair, perhaps everything but mRNA—so how accurate are these ethnographic assessments of lack of energy or Chi?

Before half of you go on screaming about “shedding” and “tainted blood for everyone” the same effect on red blood cells called Rouleaux formation that has been documented in some unvaccinated (sheddees) or the fraud of “long covid” is also caused by 5G RF-EMF exposure. Nobody ever attributes it to the latter. Why? The question remains: How bad was the shedding on the unvaccinated? Questions for a question…Are the unvaccinated dropping dead? Are they rolling up to cancer clinics with stage four turbo treats? Do they wake up with that charming Pfizer smile? Have many of us, myself included exaggerated the demographic reach of the bioweapons? Nobody wants to downplay a genocide (Anti-semite!), yet nobody should enflame the spiritual despair of a genocide absent bulletproof evidence.

Has anyone held a Chi detector to the vaccinated and measured marked decreases in pre-2021 “life force” emanations?

She can barely find her family who probably got saline.

Dr. Franc Zalewski found that a third of the random Pfizer vials he examined were 100% saline.

Perhaps it’s not what they got injected with that has her looking at them differently, but that they got injected.

And where does the global rollout of 5G factor into these “energy” shifts?

Everything is composed of frequencies, after all, even humans, their body parts, and their emotions, which affect human perceptions, and alter their reality.

We are grounded by the Schumann resonance.

Is this Wolf’s transference of the catastrophized horrors of the past two years onto those who submitted their bodies to them even though many of them may have accumulated self-assembling Saline or Red Bull?

Weren’t certain states (Red) targeted with worse batches than others by design? What is the likelihood New Yorkers got less remote-controlled nano-goodies and more saline? Why eliminate the obedient and submissive in greater numbers?

Military operations are deliberate and targeted, and this is an ongoing military operation.

Whose inbox has been spared these horrors for a single day since 2021 and what kind of effect does that have on people’s psyche and desire to project the ultimately unknowable onto victims?

I’m just asking questions.

When not subsumed by pity, her reasoning is fascinatingly skewed toward assumptions more likely rooted in her own recent transformation.

If those foreign things are inside these people, that must explain why mothers are walking in front of their children, which was just something that didn’t happen pre-2021 according to Wolf. It must explain why parents are ignoring their children. She has seen it with her own eyes.

Again, if conservatively only half of the clot shots were tainted, and twenty percent didn’t get any at all, how can an observation that is more befitting of our post-2008 world of raging narcissistic automatons addicted to their app-littered gadgets be attributable to the “vaccine” bioweapon?

How many parents have you seen ignore their children in public in favor of Candy Crush, Angry Birds, or DARPA’s Lifelog? It would take me five lifetimes to recount them all, but that’s because I started counting in 2009.

Wolf asserts, “Indeed have started to see toddlers and even babies being given phones or electronic devices by their parents so that there is no human-to-human interaction between them at all. You could blame technology — but we had cellphones before 2021.”

Cherry picking meets logical inversion.

In computer programming, logical inversion is commonly used to negate the output of boolean expressions. Logical Inversion: “Toddlers and babies are being given phones, so the lack of human-to-human interaction must not be attributable to technology pre-2021 but vaccines post-2021.” Reality: The choice to hand electronic devices to toddlers and babies has existed long before. Cherry Picking: I have started to see that human interaction between parents and toddlers is affected by technology vaccines.

Perhaps the transformation of Wolf from a coastal liberal feminist to a health freedom truther has opened her eyes to human behavior she never thought she needed to observe prior to all this Silent War horror. And now she sees what many have seen for decades and needs to misattribute it to the source of the horror that has awakened her.

Still, Dr. Wolf concludes her piece by saying that something is wrong with humans.

Has Dr. Wolf unknowingly anthropomorphized her dread and despair from her own deprogramming?

The Silent War




Part 1 of 2 Jisas Yu Holem Han Blong Mi The Silent War Did you think this war was gonna fit in with your world, your ideas? (Hacksaw Ridge) Our war is a silent war. It cannot be measured in armaments or deployments, on geographical or topographical maps that show no discernable divisions, no potential battlefields. …

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Programming Swaps

The comments beneath her essay are a merry-go-round buffet of programming for the deprogrammed. People in crowds don’t have the same energy they once had, they appear expressionless when they used to feed off each other’s energy. Everyone agrees that people are somehow off, in every conceivable situation and are pretty certain that those injectibles have something to do with it.

We all see what we need to see and rarely what is.

Everyone considers themselves deprogrammed, yet few are willing to acknowledge they have simply swapped one form of programming for another. We always seek to select new inputs when we are disgusted by the wrongness of past outputs. In desperate times any new input will do, particularly new inputs that attract masses of others who are also feeling the wrongness of similar past outputs, often resulting from government and mass media inputs.

Few commenting on Wolf’s essay attribute “the lack of energy” to living in a very dark time, in the middle of an ongoing global psycho-biological terror operation that started before Wolf was born as a concerted effort to enslave humanity.

101 Steps to Enslave Humanity (Part One: 1-56)



31 JAN

A three-part series. Part One: How we got here 19th & 20th century—Phases 1 and 2 Part Two: How we got here 21st century—Phases 3, 4, and 5 Part Three: Where we’re (likely) going (2022-2030)—Consolidating Phases 1-5 and implementing Phases 7 and 8. This is by no means a compr…

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In other words, it may not be the jab that has zapped life forces, but the sudden awakening of millions of people in regards to the dark reality of their government, doctors, employers, and even family pushing for them to be held hostage at home, and injected with a deadly biological agent, whether they got it or not.

Who would not look differently at their own family that acted differently? Friends? Strangers?

These are just questions.

Watching people do the Pfizer dance on TV, or at the local High School sporting event has taken a substantial toll on our collective psyche. Watching millions dismiss the cause so casually doubles the dragging effect. Watching the government and its media whores gaslight the people about all of it is triply demoralizing by design.

Watching strangers in public who appear not to have an earthly clue what transpired? Oof. That’s the one. See, right there, it must be the vaccines they received.

Everyone wants to make assumptions about others they see in public, and absent the post-modern dunce cap—a face mask—they may very well hold the same secret as the assumer: Isn’t it f**king batshit crazy what just happened for three years? And they haven’t stopped. I wonder if that dude’s Chi has been zapped by a fourth booster? Why’s he looking at me like that? Damn, is my Chi not showing? I knew that fat bastard at the gate was shedding on me!

But nobody wants to be the first to reach for their belt and draw in a public duel because people are still more afraid of being called crazy than shooting the truth.

And that isn’t anything new either.

This all didn’t just start in 2021.

Rockefeller’s medicine coup happened over a century ago.

It was nearly forty years ago that Eustace Mullins published Murder By Injection: The Medical Conspiracy Against America, a powerhouse work that comprised decades of investigative research.

Vaccines have always been poison. All of them. Medical quacks established the AMA with no certifiable medical training. They were hucksters and killers who charged pharma companies to publish their marketing and promotion “research” for their deadly poisons.

All doctors were required to buy a subscription to the AMA journal if they wanted to practice medicine so they would write prescriptions for the deadly poisons advertised in the journal. Now the money just gets rerouted from the government to pharma companies and their paid researchers through the NIH.

Wolf contends that babies seem charmless to her now.

Did she miss the SIDS train while writing about vaginas? Did she miss Forrest Maready’s Crooked? How did she miss the 27,680% increase in Autism diagnoses in her lifetime?

Maybe if she spent less of her adult life learning the neo-Marxist academic baby talk of rigid class, gender, and racist hierarchies, or advising the Club of Rome’s resident climate catastrophist Al “We’re all gonna melt tomorrow” Gore these statistics might have appeared more important.

It’s fine. We’re all moving on different clocks, winding ourselves up to dissimilar algorithmic echo chambers fashioning our perceptions. Advising different depopulationists in our exuberant youthful desire to rise in the ranks of Esteemed Public Intellectuals.

Everything seems different after the deprogramming begins. Medicine, doctors, government, food, media, neighbors, strangers in public, family assigned while programmed, friends made while programmed, celebrities adored while programmed, Al Gore while programmed, “wildfires” while programmed, obnoxious gatherings of tech bros and bugmen at Babylonian sets in a muddy Nevada lakebed.

Nobody ever wants to admit they were misprogrammed, but that’s the only place deprogramming starts. Having been around academics for the past decade it can be especially difficult for them. It could mean rejection. It could mean a loss of esteem by peers or even tenure. It could require coming to terms with the possibility that one’s body of academic work was all fraud.

Imagine all those hours slaving away on footnotes, for entire academic fields built on pseudoscience of virology, critical theory, and social constructs, through “discursive theory” and “oppression” and “racial privilege” and “toxic masculinity of the patriarchy” and learning the meaningless buzzwords of the post-modern failed academy and using them in that condescending upspeak voice. Problematic. Unfettered. Systemic. Exploitation. Collective. So, like, when we talk about systemic unfettered exploitation of women in the capitalist workforce from the viewpoint of a white toxic male, that’s like, problematic, right?

Keep your kids out of public schools and universities if you want to keep your kids.

Imagine deprogramming from the adoration of young aspiring indoctrinees in the field you are held as an “expert” and Esteemed Public Intellectual.

Deprogramming from the regularly scheduled program is initially a lonely affair and nobody wants to be alone. People want adoration.

Deprogramming is difficult work. Nobody likes to work outside of work. Even those who assume they’re ‘deprogrammed’ are never really, and we all learn this the hard way through hubris and arrogance. As with the road to enlightenment in Buddhism, it’s a lifelong endeavor where engaging the process is the destination.

Deprogramming is ugly because truths are ugly.

The FDA conservatively kills 150k+ Americans each year by approving drugs that shouldn’t be administered to interdimensional goblins. That’s one to two million humans each decade—the bodies of others.

That doesn’t account for “vaccines” and that’s not even the start of the ugliness.

DDT, fluoride in the drinking water, EMFs, Glyphosate, Atrazine, Parabens, BPAs, GMOs, HFCS, transfats, seed oils, Aspartame, altered mosquitoes, and some toxin called Apeel has been coated on some fruits and vegetables since 2018 and can’t be washed off.

That doesn’t even include all the neurotoxic drugs, no better than placebos like SSRIs, from misdiagnosed “mental” illnesses.

All of that barely gets us past the starting gate.

Does the average American have any functional comprehension of how their government has been trying to poison them since birth with the explicit help of the FDA and medical community?

Did Rhodes Scholar and Clinton campaign advisor Naomi Wolf know until 2021?

Her scholarly benefactor Cecil Rhodes knew before the killing even started.

The Mangina Monologues

None of this would seem strange to George Carlin.

George Carlin was tuned in to human behavior in a late-stage empire extorting its subjects while poisoning them decades before Naomi Wolf was writing for Harper Collins about the traumatized vagina, the liberated vagina, the Victorian vagina, and asking “Does the vagina have consciousness?”

She chose the road of respected public intellectual feminist activist. There is no other type of feminist, and the activities were always the deliberate seeking and accumulation of power over men. If you say this out loud as a man they still slander you as a misogynist, which only proves it an accurate statement.

If you instigate the delusions around that feminist activism most of your adult life you must carry all the baggage of marrying a civilizational destroying cult posing as a serious discipline funded and promoted by psychotic depopulationists.

How many marriages and families has feminism obliterated since Kramer vs Kramer? Could the number of children’s lives destroyed by those ruined marriages ever be quantified?

There was a time when a man and woman would stay together even after falling out of love because there were some things more precious than their own elusive happiness, and they knew the responsibility of those precious things when they signed the contract and made the commitment.

It’s true many women were prevented from leaving men by arcane laws, but the second the state provided as much or more for the woman instead of a man, the state became the husband and father. But a state, with a single woman struggling to pay the bills, cannot raise healthy and successful children. Even for a strong corporate girl boss with high income who opts for lab-baby surrogate children, the statistics on single-mother outcomes for children are simply damning.

The state is now actively engaged in grooming, castrating, brainwashing, and destroying children, and in some states fathers who speak out are helpless.

The depopulationists and agents of Western collapse were probably rubbing their hands together with glee counting each failed marriage from the 1970s onward with more thrill than they count the illegals crossing the border by the millions.

This is not an attempt to pile all the blame on feminism, or women, or even feminists, because men are as equally at fault as the feminists they bred. The amount of power women accumulate in any culture has historically depended on one thing—the permission of men. A permissive imbalance towards loose women, not merely in the sexual sense, portends the rapid destruction of that culture.

See J.D. Unwin’s book Sex and Culture for 80 historical examples of this truism: the level of advancement or decline of all cultures is directly tied to the level of regulation of female sexuality. Import tens of millions of military-aged men of diametrically opposed cultures, with no skills, education, or ambition, and it’s like pouring gasoline on a space laser fire.

Evidence for this is all around. Do Abu Dhabi and Doha seem ascendant compared to say, Los Angeles, London, Paris, and New York?

A culture is only as ascendent as the capacity of its public intellectuals to tell the truth, so don’t expect to read about any of this in their works. Das alles ist verboten!

Curtis Yarvin wielded his unmercifully honest sword pen in his letter to the young wannabe public intellectual Richard Hanania last month, “a good gig, but don’t expect anyone to be reading your books in 20 years, let alone 50.”

Feminist icon Dr. Wolf saw the health freedom whistlestop outside the establishment first-class train car and chose to disembark the public intellectual circuit with the term Conspiracy Theorist now added to her Wikipravda profile. It is a shame, though an outright compliment in New York liberal circles compared to “former alt-right white racialist writer.” Poor Richard.

For the Western liberal intelligentsia, the Conspiracy Theorist bridge is in Deventen, 35km north of Arnhem. Once crossed those invitations to black-tie affairs from the rich men north of Richmond will cease.

The hit pieces against Wolf by the CFR gang are enviable. Every official regime rag has gone after her in the past few years.

That means no more New York brunches with Harper Collins editors for Dr. Wolf. No more tea and biscuits in Chelsea with her London editors, not that they were any good at their jobs. No more promotional blurbs for her books by Oprah Magazine, Harper’s Bazar, or Publisher’s Weekly.

The “New” Authoritarians

She has since found a new publisher with the help of her new anti-vaxer conspiracy theorist friends. For forty bones you can still snag a signed copy of her latest book The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, Covid-19, and The War Against The Human. (The title was not written by her landscaper’s kid.)

These authoritarians you see, they’re new, they aren’t the liberals and neoliberals I sipped cocktails with on my book tours for twenty years like Alec Baldwin while simping for Barack “We droned some folks” Obama, who is presently on his third term rigging elections, imprisoning innocent Americans for decades, kneecapping his political opponent in Trump, pushing the final transformation of the U.S. into the USSA, and raping the bodies of others when he’s not smoking crack and getting blowies from strange men in the back of limos.

These new authoritarians you see, they’re new, they’re not the pussy hat brigade of hysterical harpies I celebrated as some kind of organic revolution, a women’s march against the pussy grabber in chief, half of whom wanted to see the unvaccinated fined and arrested just four years later.

These young feminists are savvy about politics. They are not scared to engage with power and to be in the face of the leader of the free world. They are beautiful. They are funny. They are badass.

I am so proud of them. And I am so proud, too, of my own generation. For years, we have had to have stupid conversations. “Yes, rape is bad.” “No means no.” “Paying different wages for the same work is wrong.”

And it seemed as if we were condemned to be a shrieking, irascible minority for ever and then die away, with the wind erasing the names on our headstones.

Engage on behalf of power? Check. Me too moral panic? Check. Gender wage gap propaganda? Check. Serving the Democratic party agenda, the ‘new authoritarians’? Check.

Last week James Howard Kunstler wrote of this astroturfed hysteria:

At the most superficial level was the hysterical response of Democratic Party rank-and-file women who regarded Donald Trump as the most extreme and horrifying embodiment of an archetypal “bad daddy.” This was all sheer psychodrama of course, but women are engrossed with psychodrama — generating it and relishing it — which men often fail to appreciate.

Some normies at the time called the pussyhat psychodrama “The Women’s March Against Fascism,” and that was met with a proper wake-up meme.

If humans seem different to Dr. Wolf, maybe that’s because Dr. Wolf has changed since 2021. And that’s a good thing. We all have a right to change, at any moment, for any reason, with no need to justify it to anyone.

But after thirty years of performing as a cult icon for the cabal of socio-cultural destruction, dancing on the establishment train to appease the gatekeepers of officialdom, and then suddenly disembarking for daily clout at the health freedom whistlestop, well, please forgive the reflexive unthinking reverence.

Nowhere in her latest book “The War on The Humanoid” does she mention these essential words for understanding the silent war on humanity: technocracy, scientism, transhumanism, Yuval Harari, 5G, EMF, surveillance capitalism, behaviorism, social Darwinism, liberalism, progressivism, depopulation, population control, mind control, mockingbird, Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, Committee of 300, climate change, Agenda 2030, Agenda 2021, Carbon, Blackrock, Vanguard, trafficking, pedophile, graphene, hydrogel, feminism!, abortion, planned parenthood, Jaffe memo, Cold Springs Harbor, Fort Detrick, gender dysphoria, Tavistock, AMA, DoD, DARPA, BARDA, or even Rockefeller.

Her single mention of germ theory confirms it, along with older vaccines as valid science. Her one mention of eugenics? I did Nazi see that coming! No acknowledgment of how the Nazis were influenced by the American and British eugenics programs or how Operation Paperclip imported thousands of Nazis to work for the U.S. military-industrial complex.

In a book about “COVID-19,” the names Daszek and Baric appear zero times.

In a book about “The Bodies of Others,” there is zero mention of remdesivir, midazolam, and ventilators and how the CARES Act incentivized iatrogenocide.

When not slobbering about China, everything is confused with the public face of tyranny in the West, the cover-up crew, the “Davos” crowd, and its uber-ridiculous bond villain frontman Klaus Schwab.

Her paper-thin redux of all things “Covid” reads as though Steve Bannon wrote it from a Chinese billionaire’s yacht off Greenwich, CT. It’s riddled with China, CCP, and Xi Jinping blame-porn.

Most obviously, it long kept under wraps the fundamental fact of the pandemic’s origins, ensuring that the Wuhan lab-leak premise would be everywhere derided as “conspiracy theory.” In this regard the CCP even now continues to get away with murder. More, Communist China’s vast influence over global media benefits it immeasurably in suppressing Western heroes, Western history, Western ideals such as freedoms of speech and assembly, and Western instincts of spontaneity and individualism.

None of that is coming from within the United States’ own borders, pushed by its own intelligence community, you see, it’s CHYNA!

She doesn’t mention the CIA once.

No mention of Fauci’s AZT, and AIDS, or the frauds of past pandemics and past vaccination campaigns.

In fact, the book doesn’t appear to have been edited much, if at all. It’s replete with meandering self-absorbed anecdotes, dialogue, and quick cuts from one subject to another without hearty connective tissue. Unless you’ve only been red-pilled to first base, and living under a rock the past decade, it’s a forty-minute sift through.

Her book has received high praise in unlikely circles. The Gray Lady’s resident “thinker” Michelle Goldberg called Wolf a “lunatic conspiracy theorist” using neoliberal hack Naomi Klein’s book Doppelganger as evidence for her compliment.

Clout Chaser

Perhaps Wolf finally saw it was the “lunatic conspiracy theorists” who have been right about everything this century and decided she’d rather be right than loved by the real lunatics—the Goldbergs and Kleins who serve as nothing less than whores of authoritarian police state power.

She took advantage of her new title, the looming spiritual despair of millions, and rushed an elementary book to market and it paid off with the demi-red pilled searching for “deprogramming” confirmation.

Every cult needs one likable leader, and Wolf was always that one likable feminist. Her mea culpa to pro-life conservatives in 1996 was a well-reasoned essay on the sanctity of human life and the hypocritical inconsistencies of the pro-choice movement which was always going to devolve into the radical my body, my choice of late-term baby slaughter with depopulationists funding this brainwashing endeavor to appear as another rung on the climb of women’s liberation, except that the ladder was always aimed downward, a climb toward the gates of hell.

Wolf authored a work worth reading more than a decade later in Give Me Liberty, part guide to citizen activism, part warning. To her credit she spent a few years sounding the alarm of creeping police state tyranny, the collapsing rule of law, and the desecration of Constitutional rights, though she never seemed to connect the dots of liberalism and liberal democracies always seeking to give states greater power (ends) by any means, to the source of her conclusions.

Her appearance on Steven Crowder’s show some years ago to debate abortion was amusing. Crowder was set on producing a pro-choice termination deadline from his guest, as most pro-lifers are. Wolf started by mentioning that her Jewish religion would impose a figure of forty days, to which Crowder responded that most American women wouldn’t even know they were pregnant within that time frame. She refused to answer citing ‘nuance’ and ‘complexities’ and desire not to be reductionist. Crowder asked, “What could be more reductionist than ending a human life?” The question of when that life begins is the foundation of pro-choice waffling orthodoxy, and Wolf eventually settled on within the first trimester.

With her expression of abject horror at all the baby killings underway after uncovering the genocide she clearly recognizes from the Pfizer documents, one has to wonder if her abortion stance has changed given a new set of circumstances for humanity, and the depopulation agenda hiding (not so well) beneath the surface of ALL social and political policies.

The Motherlode



27 MAY 2022

Western governments declared war on their citizens long ago. The war has been given many names: Cognitive war, Information war, Psychological war, or the academic term Fifth Generational Warfare. Some say it hasn’t gone “kinetic” yet, but they are wrong. They are terrorizing the world with man-made bioweapons as lethal force and then offering the cures …

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Wolf had a history as a clout-chasing shit poster before the gig was even a thing. Her opus The Beauty Myth is fraught with the kind of hysterical statistics that engender drive-by moral panics. Her figure of 150,00-200,000 young girls dying of anorexia each year was not checked by her editors or more likely ignored. That ridiculous level of fear sells books when accompanied by quotes like, “…women must claim anorexia as political damage done to us by a social order that considers our destruction insignificant…as Jews identify the death camps.”

The error made it into women’s studies textbooks throughout the nineties because Women’s Studies was never about truth or knowledge.

As Christina Hoff Sommers points out in her book Who Stole Feminism: How Women Have Betrayed Women (1992), the figure was simply copied from a work published by Columbia University’s head of the Women’s Studies department. The actual figure? A hundred.

Wolf played her role in the campus “rape” hysteria that spread across the nation by quoting the false one-in-four-women statistic that included intoxicated and regrettable sex as “rape” and still lingers in Women’s Studies departments and at freshman orientation. This led to armies of feminists telling women who did not believe they had been raped, that they had indeed been raped.

In a time when victimhood status conferred all the social capital one needed on campus, this lie was devasting for youth sex relations. At the time of Wolf’s opus, she claimed that acquaintance rape is “more common than lefthandedness, alcoholism, and heart attacks.”

Is it any wonder that two decades later we ended up with the “Me Too!” hysteria and with cult mantras like, “Believe all women!”

Wolf’s beauty myth was never even grounded in reality. One study she cited as proof that unrealistic standards of beauty promoted by the fashion industry were a “hidden burden” on women was completely inverted from the results.

As Hoff Sommers writes:

I called the principal author of the study, Thoma Cash, a psychologist at Old Dominion, and asked him what he thought about Ms. Wolf’s use of his research. “It had nothing to do with what we found. It made no sense. What I reported was just the opposite of what Wolf claimed. . . . She grabbed it, ran with it, and got it backward.”

For now, no more invitations for Dr. Wolf to feminist conferences at Oberlin or Sarah Lawrence. But what could be more liberating than that? She’s free to write The Pfizer Vagina.

It could serve as fresh programming for her new base of 75,000 readers, many devoted MAGAites who listened to one of her dozens of appearances on Steve Bannon’s podcast in the past year, all of them certain she’s as deprogrammed as they are in their red hats at a Trump rally.

It’s not like she has a history of permitting herself to be programmed, by fashionable lucrative ideologies, like toxic feminism that divided sexes, created moral panics, sold women empty promises, flooded the public sphere with lies, obliterating the most integral stabilizing force our species has ever known—the nuclear family—on behalf of globopsycho’s social engineers, and supercharged the present woke war on boners.

She never fell for the manufactured Trump-is-a-dangerous-racist-and-democracy-is-in-peril hysteria before shifting to whatever offered her and her brand daily clout…



Do these people of a year ago seem to be lacking energy in a crowd? It certainly helps not to have that 2008 technology in their hands zapping their attention and Chi.

Do you see what I see?
Do you see what I see?


I see lightning, I hear thunder
Something stirring six feet under
Dead things coming back to life again
I believe there’s about to be another resurrection
Oh, I see signs and I see wonders
I see bursts of living color
Dead things coming back to life again
I believe there’s about to be another resurrection

Come alive
Wake up, sleeper
He is risen
We are risen with Him

I like this programming.

Upgrade to paid

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Pensioner Rate

Student Discount (valid .edu email)

Student Rate

Let me know that you care.



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By The Good Citizen

Documenting the deliberate dissemination of propaganda and misinformation for control and manipulation of an intentionally dumbed-down population. Not you, of course.

(Source:; September 15, 2023;