‘Vaccine Passports’ Effective in Boosting COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake

    Why Is Rutgers University Still Forcing Students to Take the COVID Jab?

    A study based in Canada has determined that the way to get more people ages 12 to 17 to take the COVID-19 shots is to couple vaccine “passports” with mandated shots.

    The mandated jabs worked well for the first dose, but proof of vaccination, via the passports, was what it took to get the young people to get the boosters, study authors reported.

    They also added that seniors didn’t need convincing: “When a policy is introduced, you have a sudden uptake in whom the vaccine uptake was relatively low. In older people — 70 and above, 80 and above — the vaccine uptake was relatively high so there wasn’t a whole lot of room to improve on top of that.”



    Global News November 7, 2023


    Source: Original Article

    Publish Date: 2023-11-08 23:01:20