UNDERSTAND THIS: Here is what I’m doing on these pages now, and why; let me settle this once and for all
UNDERSTAND THIS: Here is what I’m doing on these pages now, and why; let me settle this once and for all
Nov 30, 2024
Every single subject I’ve been hammering on and exposing for years is now on the table, is now up for grabs…with the new Trump administration.
Meaning: With Trump’s promises on the record, and on the basis of his nominees for key cabinet posts, THERE IS A CHANCE that policies which undermine America…
…Open borders, transgender medical torture, the phony victim culture, medical fraud and murder, unpunished crime in our streets, corrupt DAs, Diversity-Equity-Inclusion, brainwashing and grooming young children in schools, etc…
EVERY ONE OF THESE DISASTERS could be attacked and rejected and defeated…
…IF we hold Trump and his team in a chamber of high heat and force them to do what they SAY they’re going to do.
Rather than making pleasant noises of encouragement, I’m doing what I always do. I’m hammering on their heads, because I want them to come through. I’m pointing out every contradiction they make, every piece of bullshit they float, every compromise and back-track they perform.
BECAUSE I WANT THEM TO SUCCEED, even and especially against their better judgment. Even and especially when they are afraid, and when they try to make their compromises sound like full-blown victories.
My hammerings and criticisms and attacks are NEVER meant to provide fuel for the fire of those who say all is lost and we have no chance and the country and the world are doomed. I’m not a conspiracist who weaves a tale alleging we are in the grip of something so huge we can never win.
That’s not me. Never was.
I’m especially up for this war right now because the subject I keep coming back to, over and over—MEDICAL—is front and center in a way it has never been in my lifetime.
I continue to expose, chapter and verse, evidence of deep medical fraud and murder. But at the same time, I do that in the middle of UNIQUE OPPORTUNITIES WE NOW HAVE…
What I’m asking from you is: see the full scope of what I’m doing. Don’t over-focus on one part and assume that’s the whole story.
Even though I keep attacking Kennedy, I’m fully aware he’s said things no Presidential nominee for a cabinet post has ever said in the history of this country. Searing vital things about vaccines, about pharma criminals. THAT’S WHY I KEEP HAMMERING ON HIM. Because he has a chance. Because WE have a chance. Because we can force him to go further, to stop waffling, to stop compromising, to go all the way, even and especially when he doesn’t want to.
Get it?
If you look at Kennedy, Trump, and his other nominees through the lens of rainbow-and-marshmallow Hope, gullible wishes and fantasies, then whenever I poke holes in them, you’re going to feel deflated—because you were looking through the wrong weak lens.
Look at them with hope, sure, but through the lens of: THIS IS A WAR, AND WE HAVE TO MAKE THEM FIGHT IT THE WAY THEY CLAIM THEY’RE GOING TO FIGHT IT.
So raise a glass and let’s make a toast to more pokes and more holes and more pressure and more heat coming from our direction against them—so they have no way out. So they have to do what they’ve said they’re going to do.
Do we risk defeat? Of course. That’s the case in any war. But I’ll tell you a secret:
— Jon Rappoport
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