The real meaning of TRANS

The real meaning of TRANS

The real meaning of TRANS

 Jon Rappoport

Dec 21, 2024

It’s a triple-headed monster.

Perhaps there are more heads. I’ll stick with three for now.

The Latin root “trans” means “cross,” to cross over from one place to another.

So we have transgender, the crossing over from one sex to another.

Then there is transhumanism, the crossing from human to a new state in which humans are merged with AI.

And then there is transmission. The crossing of a germ from one person to another, a story implying there must be restrictions on freedom, to prevent disease contagion.


These three stories are being pushed to the limit, to usher in a new age, a new society, a new and transformed world.

Transmission—as in pandemics—to curtail freedom and put populations under medical and political authority. Transgender—to replace the old dual-sex biological and social tradition of human society and family. And transhuman—to replace biological humans with a hybrid of human and machine.



This three-headed campaign has the goal of establishing elite CONTROL over humans. In each case, the wiser and more powerful must monitor and maintain the new status quo—“for the good of all.”

These three transformations would wipe out history, the past, the old.

It’s important to realize that, in the case of transhumanism, the narrative under the surface goes this way: AI is a system of programs which runs on algorithms; human beings are exactly that, too. Nothing more than that.

Once this lie is accepted, humans are downgraded and AI is upgraded. Who cares if humans are made over into machines? That’s really all they were in the first place.

You can see this coming on with AI systems like ChatGPT, which has been painstakingly shaped to sound and respond like a human in conversation.

Many improvements in that direction will be made. Eventually, we will have AI robots who resemble humans in every detail. And whatever rights humans are granted…the robots will have those rights, too.

Children will be taught that free will is a myth. Freedom is an old myth. There is no such thing. Everyone responds to their programming.

All this will be taught under the heading of EQUALITY. “No one is better in any way than anyone else. We’re all just responding to our algorithms.”

This is DEI—diversity, equity, and inclusion—taken to its extreme fulfillment.

So along with all these new meanings given to life, there is new urgency and meaning behind the old phrase:


— Jon Rappoport

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(Source:; December 21, 2024;