The origins of COVID-19 and the timeline of bullshit & premeditation

The origins of COVID-19 and the timeline of bullshit & premeditation

The origins of COVID-19 and the timeline of bullshit & premeditation

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with the wonderful Nick Hudson. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting him once before, last year. A tall dark handsome fella, with a hippy-like ponytail. Nick is ridiculously smart and also blessed with an abundance of that rare quality, common sense. When I first met him he was surrounded by a group of people hanging off his every word. I was too far away to hear what he was saying, instead got to know his friend and now my friend Sean Flanagan while eating an obscene amount of Biltong.

So who is Nick Hudson? Well, he is the Chairman of Pandata, an organisation that was formed in 2020 to provide a counterbalance to the mainstream and government narrative. Their mission statement is –

“In assessing the Covid response, it is clear what critical policy responses should have been. Fuelling fear, promulgating unsupported narratives worldwide and removing people’s agency is not, and never has been, sound public health policy. In the wake of the COVID event, PANDA aims to empower society with accurate information on the science and the drivers behind recent events, enabling individuals to exercise freedom of choice and preserve human liberties.”

Since that meeting last year I have seen many videos of Nick being interviewed, and what I love about him is his straight talking and the fact that he joins all the dots. He doesn’t stick to one topic while ignoring the other serious problems that we see in the world. I feel like I can trust him. He isn’t controlled, compromised or a chaos agent as far as I can tell!

The conversation with Nick lasted 1 hr 39mins but could easily have stretched on for another hour, but was limited by the fact he was going to a performance later that evening.

There were many stand-out moments during our conversation but one stood out more than others. Nick takes me through the timeline of the early days of COVID. I call it the timeline of bullshit and premeditation. Because once you have heard it, that is the only logical conclusion you can draw regarding the COVID “pandemic”.

Here is the timeline –

December 30, 2019: Unusual Pneumonia Case in China

  • An eye doctor in Wuhan, China identifies a “peculiar” case of atypical pneumonia. What was unusual about this case of pneumonia in a city of over 8 million remains a mystery.

January 5, 2020: WHO Identifies 44 Cases

  • The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies 44 cases of atypical pneumonia within five days of the initial observation, sparking the official recognition of a new and unknown threat.

January 7, 2020: Declaration of a New SARS-Like Virus

  • Within two days, health authorities declare the cause to be a new SARS-like virus. The number of identified cases jumps to 65 within three days.

January 10-13 2020: PCR Kits Shipped

  • Mr Drosten together with the owner of TIB Molbiol (a Berlin based manufacturer for PCR tests) develop the perfect test for a new virus the world has never seen, wow. The manufacturing of the first PCR kits for testing begins, and astonishingly, they are shipped just 11 days after the identification of the first patient!

January 10, 2020: First Gene Sequence Published

January 13, 2020: WHO Adopts Drosten’s PCR Protocol

January 22-23, 2020: Corman-Drosten Protocol Published

  • The now renowned Corman-Drosten protocol is published just 24 days after the initial identification of the mysterious pneumonia cases, going through peer review in an astonishing 27 hours.

January 24, 2020: Chinese Study on Clinical Symptoms

January 30, 2020: Study on Asymptomatic Transmission

Nick contends that each step in this 31-day timeline was not only questionable but also premeditated, challenging the authenticity and transparency of the narrative surrounding the early days of COVID-19.


We’ve established in a compressed timeframe of just 31 days, that there’s a new clinical manifestation, it’s caused by a virus, that this virus has the following sequence, here’s a test, which is the gold standard in identifying that sequence, description of the primers that we’re going to use all over the world submitted for peer review and published, and we’ve described the clinical features of this so-called new disease.

“I would submit to you that every single one of those steps was complete and utter bullshit and premeditated.”

Well, folks. I don’t know about you but if it looks, smells, and.. like bullshit, it probably is bullshit!

Please share this and the podcast with all your official COVID believer friends, family and work colleagues.

Links can be found here –

Website link to podcast




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Love as always Ahmad


Ps. Please don’t forget to leave comments below and let me know what you think of this article and the podcast.

For the rest of this article please go to source link below.

Video can be accessed at source link below.

(Source:; November 20, 2023;