Russell Brand on Media
Thanks to The Defender from Children’s Health Defense for this article on Russell Brand’s insight. It seems media has already formed into silos, and that’s a big part of the problem we face. No one wants to peek at the other silos. No one believes that the grain over there is as good as the grain in OUR silo. In fact, we think it’s rotten. I’d rather see FEWER media channels, but ones that allow independent thought. The pie has been sliced with a razorblade. In the morning, I listen to the POTUS channel on Sirius XM. Mostly for Michael Smerconish, whose theme song is “Stuck in the Middle with You.” He allows callers from all walks of life and political POVs, He covers stories from the center out in a radius. It’s 2023 and we are more segmented than ever. Do you remember the old CNN show called “CROSSFIRE?” It was fantastic. A Liberal and a Conservative taking on topics. Tucker Carlson was one of the hosts! Is more media the answer?
We Need to Create Our Own Media Channels if We Want the Truth, Russell Brand Says
After lambasting mainstream media for its coverage of COVID-19 news, comedian and political commentator Russell Brand said we need to create “our own channels, our own media, our own communication so that we can reach truth together.”
Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D
Mainstream media would have us believe COVID-19 is the only possible explanation for an increase in fatal heart attacks among young people during the pandemic — but that explanation didn’t sit well with comedian and political commentator Russell Brand.
Brand mocked CBS News and the experts it interviewed about a study that showed the number of heart attack deaths during the first two years of the pandemic was 30% higher than predicted for ages 25 to 44.
The CBS report never mentioned the numerous variables that may have contributed to the increase, Brand said.
“They got through the whole report without mentioning lockdowns or vaccines — which it would seem ought to be part of any reasonable debate and exploration into what has caused this 30% spike in heart disease,” Brand told viewers.
Instead, CBS ended its report by telling viewers the increase is “something to go and see your doctor and check yourself about.”
“So that’s the conclusion?!” Brand said.
CBS News — which is sponsored by COVID-19 vaccine-maker Pfizer — discussed everything “except for anything that might affect the interests of powerful institutions and our advertisers,” he said.
Other analyses have shown that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccines can induce heart inflammation, leading to long-term cardiac damage and cardiac-related death — but those facts didn’t make it into the CBS News report, Brand said.
Mainstream media forced to admit natural immunity just as good as vaccines
Brand also mocked mainstream news for promoting the narrative that vaccination against COVID-19 provides superior protection to natural immunity.
He showed a Feb. 13 clip of NBC News reporting on a large study published in The Lancet that showed natural immunity acquired from a COVID-19 infection provided protection “as high if not higher” than that provided by mRNA vaccines.
“Another fudged admission … ‘Let’s see if we can kind of just blur the lines of how and when that happened without us losing all of our credibility,’” Brand said, as if he were the newscasters behind the scenes as they tried to figure out what to say.
Brand pointed out that NBC News said nothing about how the Lancet’s study undermined the argument for vaccine passports and the notion that COVID-10 was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” — two narratives mainstream media pushed throughout the pandemic.
Brand didn’t blame individual newscasters because, he said, we live within a “set of systems with an agenda to prevent us from realizing the truth together.”
Brand’s solution?
We need to stop tuning into mainstream news and create “our own channels, our own media, our own communication so that we can reach truth together,” he said. READ MORE AND WATCH VIDEO HERE.
In his foreword, Kennedy alerts readers to the undeniable fact that the persecution of those who tell uncomfortable truths, which Ibsen described over one hundred years ago, continues to this day and is as relevant now as ever. We face environmental deregulation and degradation, politicians in lobbyists’ pockets, attacks on facts that are agreed upon by reputable scientists, corporate funded and controlled research, and attempts to impede and suppress whistleblowers. The battle continues and Kennedy joins Ibsen on the front lines.
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