Republican Debate: COVID Vaccine Question Blacked Out by Unknown Third Party

Republican Debate: COVID Vaccine Question Blacked Out by Unknown Third Party

In the Republican debate on News Nation December 7, 2023, Vivek Ramaswamy promised to repeal Reagan-era legislation that makes the vaccine industry liability-free if someone’s injured from a vaccine. “People who have been harmed by those vaccines deserve accountability,” he said.

He added, “I think one of the top lessons we learned from that COVID pandemic is that free speech in this country is most important in those alleged times of emergency. If we had been allowed to openly debate the merits of those vaccines they would have been never mandated in the way that they were.”

He had other things to say, too, but no one saw or heard that part of Ramaswamy’s comments unless they listened to News Nation’s full recording on YouTube later, beginning at the 1:30:06 mark, when host Megyn Kelly asks him about Operation Warp Speed.

At that point, in the live version, the debate screen and sound are blacked out for eight minutes with, first, a dead screen and then five straight minutes of commercials, before returning to the final question of the debate.

The black-out caused an internet stir with comments on Twitter/X as well as in Newsweek, which referenced it as stirring up Republican “conspiracy theories” in its headline on the missing footage.

Rumble, which aired the debate for News Nation, denied blacking out the comments, saying a third party actually did it. “The stream on our end did not go down at all, but the feed coming in (the source feed from a 3rd party) failed for a few minutes when sending to us,” Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski wrote. “This is a different source that the TV channels got and we are unsure why the source to Rumble went dark for a few minutes.”



DD Denslow Twitter/X December 9, 2023

Newsweek December 7, 2023

Source: Original Article

Publish Date: 2023-12-12 19:00:35