Open letter to Ron DeSantis and other US governors

Open letter to Ron DeSantis and other US governors

Open letter to Ron DeSantis and other US governors

 – a WHO pandemic treaty would override US law and bind us to medical tyranny? What??

Is the next “pandemic” bird flu? It’s whatever the WHO decides it is. Arbitrarily. At the drop of a hat. And US senators, you listen up, too

Jon Rappoport

This story has been brewing for more than two years.

I’ve walked into the weeds several times, to sort it out, and each time I emerge more confused than I was.

The WHO (World Health Organization) has a road—with the cooperation of the Biden regime—to detour around US Senate approval of treaties. No, that road doesn’t exist. Biden can sign on to a WHO proposal which would give the WHO TEMPORARY control over US pandemic policy. No he can’t.

A complete mess of competing opinion and interpretation.

So I’m going to ignore that swamp and cut to the chase.

I hope you governors pay attention, because YOUR actions may end up making all the difference between: the US adopting WHO regulations on pandemic response and therefore submitting to a TYRANNY; and the US remaining free from the WHO.

This is what I see. There are two current WHO tracks to global medical tyranny. One is a WHO pandemic treaty. The other is a WHO set of regulations, called the International Health Regulations.

WHO is intent on moving along these two tracks to the finish line. If they succeed, America would have to bow and kneel. America would have to obey WHO dictates on vaccines, lockdowns, travel restrictions, masking, distancing.

Yes, that nightmare.

The WHO doesn’t care how they manage to win this battle. They don’t care about national laws. They want control.

The current administration, under Biden, is ready to submit. A future administration may also want to submit.

So the states will have to stand firm and say no. The states will have to become the deciders for America.

Governors will have to make this clear now, before it all hits the fan.

Keep this in mind. The WHO pays absolutely no attention to the massive evidence showing the COVID vaccines are a disaster. For them, any vaccine is, by definition, a success. Therefore, everyone must take it. That’s who we’re dealing with.

The WHO intends to spell out medical protocols for treatment. Think Fauci, on a grand scale. This drug is necessary. That drug is no good and will be banned. Doctors must parrot the party line.

This is where the WHO and its allies intend to go, however they get there. This is the first giant step in establishing a newer world medical order.

Governors must announce blanket refusals. No matter how the WHO maneuvers, the states will not comply. The states will resist the WHO and the US federal government, if the government signs on to any WHO set of health and medical rules.

Governors must make it clear that any WHO scheme is dead in the water.


And the people of America—all those who are still awake and can think—have to refuse.

It doesn’t matter how a WHO tyranny is planned—whether through a Senate vote on a treaty, a President sitting in the Oval Office signing a piece of paper—the answer is NO.

The WHO will keep coming back with new versions of their proposed rules, if they have to, time after time. They’re not going to stop. Why should they? Their people pick up their paychecks for persistence. A dozen failures, two dozen—they don’t care. They’re not a company with a bottom line called sales and profits.

They’re a self-appointed fungus.

No conscience. Only the determination to spread.

Every iota of what they call science is political, and they’ll produce that brand of science every day to win their war.

You can’t find a clearer illustration of globalism on the march.

So you governors, speak plainly and forcefully and show the WHO there is no compromise possible. Millions of people in America will be with you.

If you stay silent, then it’s entirely up to us, the people. We’ll have to take this on without you—no matter what consequences we have to endure, to keep our freedom.

We want you as our allies.

One way or another, millions of us are going to fight this tyranny. Because we still know what freedom is. We know the principle, the feeling, and we have the experience of the past three years of COVID to remind us what’s at stake.

You governors know what freedom is, too. So step up to the plate. Reject this new attack against LIFE.

The WHO plan includes their ability to announce a pandemic any time they want to. At the drop of a hat. They’ve done it before. And becoming the monarchs of pandemics is just one of their schemes. They ultimately want an entire global colossus governing all medical policy. It’s the end-game of a century of expanding medical power over populations.

You governors saw that play out on the stage of COVID. That was the latest test case.




—Part Two: An open message to all US Senators

Having read so far, you obviously understand there is an attempt underway to override your Constitutional power. The power to approve or vote down ALL international treaties.

WHO and its allies are aiming to cancel your needed approval for a treaty or some covert “international agreement” that SHOULD BE labeled a treaty.

If the WHO wins, millions of Americans will be less disposed than they are now to listen to you talk about ANYTHING. They will see you as nothing more than pawns on the chessboard.

So you, too, need to step up now and blast the cover off the devious WHO and its machinations.


You need to threaten a walkout. You need to go full bore against the Executive Branch in this matter. Because the Biden Executive Branch is prepared to betray you and the American people, whom you supposedly represent.

So represent!

As you well know, you were canceled when the declaration of the pandemic was made in 2020. You had no say. You were erased from the equation. You stood by and let the lockdowns proceed. You let Fauci assume the role of interim President, through the passive inaction of Trump.

So you’re already on thin ice with the people.

If you let this WHO pandemic treaty proceed, you’ll be castrati, eunuchs of the king’s court and nothing more.

That goes for all of you, from Rand Paul all the way across to Chuck Schumer.

Do you have the courage of your convictions? What ARE your convictions?

Are you ready to cave in to WHO, merely because a few predatory lawyers have found a way to call a treaty an agreement? Is that all it takes for you to back off and mumble in your offices?

Do you really believe the American people are going to stand for a cancellation of this country’s sovereignty, because an operator named Bill Gates calls the shots at WHO with his money?

Either stand up now and make this treaty dead on arrival, or your Constitutional power will be dead.

We KNOW you’ve become too comfortable in your elevated buffered positions. At your height, you don’t see us. You discount us.

That, my fine feathered friends, is a serious miscalculation.

When the WHO starts telling us which new virus to salute, which vaccine we must take, which drugs we must take, which health measures we’re forbidden to take or even discuss publicly—here, on American soil—you’re going to rediscover a time-honored political principle which stands above all others:

There IS a limit to how much shit people will eat.

— Jon Rappoport


“A REAL GOVERNOR and His Bully Pulpit” (click here)

Episode 37 of Rappoport Podcasts—“THE OHIO TRAIN DISASTER: I’ve dug up many vital facts and I’ll lay them out for you”—is now posted on my substack. It’s a blockbuster. To listen, click here.

Main Photo: via a CC BY NC 2.0 licence

By Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

(Source:; February 25, 2023;