Malaysian Company Joins Forces with UK Scientist to Promote the Health Benefits of Drinking Silicon-Rich Mineral Water

    Malaysian Company Joins Forces with UK Scientist to Promote the Health Benefits of Drinking Silicon-Rich Mineral Water

    Originally published on: February 6th 2017

    Could silicon-rich mineral water be the key to removing dangerous aluminum from the body?

    Aluminum is the second most abundant metal on the planet and the third most abundant

    element in the Earth’s crust. The global market for aluminum is forecasted to reach 71.2 million tonnes by the year 2018. However, in its manufactured form, it contains many widely researched potential hazards. Scientists have linked its use to many health problems, including autoimmune disease, autism, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

    Known as a toxic metal, aluminum can enter the human body through our diet, tap water, cosmetics, medication, baby products and a growing number of vaccinations. Professor Christopher Exley, a scientist from Keele University, believes that we are under attack from this toxic metal and that this attack is causing us to become sick.

    Professor Exley, who has been studying the dangers of aluminum for over 30 years, recently stated that:

    “Living as we do in the ‘aluminium age,’ are we at risk of succumbing to an insidious attack on our health and mental faculties from a common substance that is invading our bodies by stealth? The ubiquitous substance in question is ALUMINIUM, which just happens to be the most abundant metal on the Earth’s crust.”

    If he is correct, then this is extremely worrying. During a recent presentation in London, he stated that there is currently no regulation on the amount of aluminum being added to our products. For this reason, that we must reduce our body burden of aluminum in any way that we can.

    Professor Exley has proven that by drinking a silicon-rich mineral water every day, we can remove the aluminum from the body.

    What are Silicon-Rich Mineral Waters?

    Natural, silicon-rich mineral water differs significantly from many other alternative bottled waters, as it naturally contains more silicon in the soluble form (known as silica acid) than most. This is because silica is naturally occurring and not synthetically produced. What is even more interesting is the fact that silica acid is the only form of silicon that humans can effectively digest and absorb into the body’s system.

    Silicon-rich mineral waters are sourced from natural aquifers buried deep below the tropical rainforest and hidden away from all pollution to protect them from the outside world. Silica, a mineral that is abundant in silica water, is naturally occurring as the result of natural chemistry which takes place deep underground and cannot be synthetically reproduced. This is because only nature has the power to create the unique qualities of silica water.

    Whilst supermarkets now stock a wide range of bottled waters, only a few of them contain silica, the majority do not. Of the ones that do contain silica, only three of them can truly be classified as silicon-rich. This is because to be classified as silicon-rich they need to contain 30ppm of silica or above.

    Up until recently, there have only been three main‘silicon-rich mineral waters’ available: Spritzer, Volvic and Fiji. However, this situation has now changed. On 24 January, 2017, the Malaysian company Spritzer, launched Acilis,  a new silicon-rich mineral water to be sold in the UK. The launch of their new water, branded as Acilis for marketing reasons, took place in London and was hosted by Dr. Chuah Chaw Teo, Executive Director at Spritzer; Professor Christopher Exley, from Keele University; and Rex Garratt, Spritzer’s UK distributor and founder of

    Malaysian Company Joins Forces with UK Scientist to Promote the Health Benefits of Drinking Silicon-Rich Mineral Water

    Dr. Chuah, who had followed the work of Professor Exley for many years, explained that he had been impressed by the quality of Exley’s research and, for this reason, he and Mr. Garratt decided to join forces with Exley, to promote the health benefits of drinking silicon-rich mineral water.

    Praising Exley’s research, Dr. Chuah stated:

    “Professor Chris Exley’s findings on the importance of drinking a silicon-rich natural mineral water, such as Spritzer, to reduce the body burden of the neurotoxin, aluminium is indeed a brilliant scientific breakthrough that should be strongly embraced by the authority and the public.

    The people have all to benefit if this theory is one day proven to be true. There is nothing to lose but all to gain. After all, every one of us needs to consume at least 1 to 1.5 litres of good quality water for our daily hydration needs. What a better way to get that than from Spritzer- the clinically proven silicon rich natural mineral water that comes to you from a natural aquifer 420 feet deep covered with 330 acres (266 soccer fields) of pristine and unspoilt surroundings of natural tropical rainforest, away from all pollution, hence providing complete protection to the integrity, quality and safety of its natural mineral water. From source to bottle, Spritzer is untouched by human hands. Recent findings of a unique rock structure in the facility dated the land to be in existence for about 200 to 214 million years.”

    Spritzer not only decided to market their water in the UK for the first time, but also in honor of Professor Exley’s research, they have also pledged 10% from the sales of their new water to Professor Exley’s research at Keele University. Spritzer stated:

    “ACILIS by Spritzer® natural silica water comes to the UK and Europe for the first time from its source deep beneath the protected Malaysian rainforest.

    Used in research by scientists at Keele University in the UK, every bottle of ACILIS by Spritzer® sold in the UK will see 10% of the net price donated to ongoing clinical research at Keele.”

    Professor Exley, who spoke at the launch, stated that:

    “Our research already suggests, that working with people with Alzheimer’s disease, getting people with Alzheimer’s disease, to drink Spritzer mineral water, that we can get aluminum out of their body.” (exact wording from video)

    Silicon-Rich Mineral Water Helps to Heal You from the Inside

    For several years, research has proven that one way to reduce our body burden of aluminum, is to drink silicon-rich mineral water every day. However, reducing aluminum is not the only health benefit that these waters can have, as, according to research, silicon-rich mineral waters are also believed to reduce signs of aging, prevent heart disease and improve the symptoms of osteoporosis and arthritis.

    Paul Fassa, author of the website Real Farmacy, believes that the absorption of silica can also rejuvenate the natural formation of collagen in our body, retaining the skin’s elasticity, leading to fewer wrinkles. Listing several research papers, he wrote that:

    “Lately, silica (Si) is getting more notice for its more important functions. Sometimes called the “beauty mineral” because it improves skin elasticity and hair and nail growth, a few other more important aspects have been recently explored.

    Silica helps ensure collagen elasticity of all connecting tissues in the body, including tendons and cartilage. This reduces aches and pains and maintains your body’s flexibility. It has also been determined that high levels of blood serum silica keep arterial plaque from building and clogging blood vessels.”

    For further research on the anti-aging properties of silica, read Silica Research, Organic silica: An essential element.

    Also Known to Benefit Those Patients Suffering from Neurological Disorders

    In 2012, Water Online published an article titled A Silicon-Rich Mineral Water Therapy For Alzheimer’s Disease. The authors stated that:

    “Research headed by Professor Christopher Exley at Keele University has shown that regular drinking of up to 1 litre a day of Spritzer, a silicon-rich mineral water, removes aluminium from the bodies of people with Alzheimer’s disease and in some individuals offered clinically-significant protection against cognitive decline.

    The most effective and non-invasive way to reduce an individual’s overall exposure to aluminium is to include in their everyday diet a silicon-rich mineral water. Spritzer, a mineral water from Malaysia, contains 35 mg/L (ppm) total silicon and when individuals with AD were asked to drink 1L of this water each day over a period of 12 weeks their body burdens of aluminium, measured as urinary excretion, were significantly reduced over this relatively short period of time.

    In parallel with the reduction in body burden of aluminium were some remarkable affects upon cognitive function in the individuals with AD. Eight out of 15 individuals with AD showed no deterioration in their cognitive abilities over the 12 week period of the study. Three of these 8 actually showed clinically-relevant improvements in their cognitive function over the period of the study.”

    They continued:

    “In this first preliminary test of ‘the aluminium hypothesis in Alzheimer’s disease’ it has been shown that long term drinking of silicon-rich mineral waters, such as Spritzer, can reduce an individual’s everyday exposure to aluminium and lower their body burden of this unwanted neurotoxin. Early indications are that in individuals with AD the lowering of the body burden of aluminium may benefit cognitive function.

    Professor Exley has commented that while these results are clearly preliminary they are a first step in a much needed test of ‘the aluminium hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease’ and a longer term study is now warranted.”

    Professor Exley is not alone in his discoveries. In 2013, Professor Christopher Shaw and Lucija Tomlejenovic, PhD wrote a paper titled Aluminum in the Central Nervous System: Toxicity in Humans and Animals, Vaccine Adjuvants, and Autoimmunity. Their research revealed that during a 17-year period, the rates of autism had increased significantly in countries that had the most vaccinations containing the adjuvant aluminum.

    A Highly Significant Correlation

    The researchers compared the number of vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) during the period from 1991 – 2008, and the changes in the autism rates during the same period. They wrote:

    “The data sets, graphed against each other, show a pronounced and statistically highly significant correlation between the number vaccines with aluminum and the changes in autism rates. Further data showed that a significant correlation exists between the amounts of aluminum given to preschool children and the current rates of autism in seven Western countries. Those countries with the highest level of aluminum-adjuvanted vaccines had the highest autism rates.(own emphasis)

    They revealed:

    “The observed correlation between the number of aluminum-adjuvanted vaccines and ASD was further tested using Hill’s criteria and met eight of nine of these indicating that vaccines containing aluminum are highly likely to be at least partially causal for autism.”

    For those who are not familiar with ‘Hill’s criteria,’ it is a technique used to determine a causal link between a specific factor and a disease. For example, does excess smoking cause lung cancer? Scientists seeking to establish a valid causal connection between a potential disease agent now frequently use the technique, which was first developed by British medical statistician Austin Bradford Hill.

    Professor Shaw and Dr. Tomljenovic continued their paper by stating that:

    “There are other links between aluminum exposure/toxicity and ASD. These include the following: A pilot study showed higher than normal aluminum levels in the hair, blood and/or urine of autistic children; children are regularly exposed to higher levels of aluminum in vaccines per body weight than adults; practically, nothing is known about the pharmacokinetics and toxicodynamics of aluminum in vaccines in children; and aluminum in vaccines has been linked to serious neurological impairments, chronic fatigue and autoimmunity.(own emphasis)

    If Professor Shaw and Dr. Tomljenovic are correct, then their results are extremely worrying, especially as autism is not the only condition to which their paper linked the adjuvant aluminum.

    In fact, their paper also linked aluminum to the rise in the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease, Gulf War syndrome and a relatively new syndrome, ASIA (autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants), that was identified by scientists in 2012.


    If more and more professionals believe that the toxic age we live in, is damaging our health, then we owe to ourselves to do everything that we can to reduce our exposure to aluminum and other toxic substances.

    One of the easiest and most efficient ways in which we can do this, is to include a silicon-rich mineral water in our diet.

    To find out more about the dangers of aluminum and the benefits of drinking silicon-rich mineral water, read Professor Christopher Exley’s studies and papers, which are listed on both the Keele University website and the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute (CMSRI) website.

    Aluminum Research Dashboard

    For evidence-based research on aluminum, visit the Research Dashboard.


    Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.

    © February 6th 2017 GreenMedInfo LLC. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of GreenMedInfo LLC. Want to learn more from GreenMedInfo? Sign up for the newsletter here

    Source: Original Article

    Originally published on: February 6th 2017