In the monster 4000-page federal budget bill, what is the biggest $$$ item?
Oct 15, 2024
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Can you guess?
I’ll do a countdown. All these figures are for one year of fed spending.
Number 4 on the list for 2024 is Interest on the National Debt. It comes in at $660 billion. Just the Interest.
Number 3 on the list is Defense. $886 billion. How is DEFENSE working out, with violent lunatics from other lands spreading out across America, courtesy of the open border?
Number 2 is Social Security. $1.4 trillion.
And Number 1 is…
Medical. $2 trillion.
Medicare. Medicaid. Children’s Health Insurance Program. The Affordable Care Act. Etc.
Look around you. Do the people seem healthy? Do the obese waddling crowds of people and the wan specimens staring down at their cell phones appear healthy?
For the past 25 years, I’ve been documenting, chapter and verse, the role of the medical cartel in MAKING PEOPLE SICK AND KILLING THEM.
The gargantuan amounts of funny money sloshing around in the federal pots have been a prime enabler of this human destruction.
Why do you think I’ve been talking about the potential power of the Presidential bully pulpit—if we had a President brave enough to zero in on the medical cartel…and talk about it FULLY to all the people?
Why was I poking and prodding Kennedy? Because the medical colossus is engulfing the population in a toxic tidal wave. And he stops short of seeing the whole picture. He postpones the full story. Always doubt someone who postpones telling the whole tale.
Why do I keep reposting the 2000 Starfield Report published in the Journal of American Medical Association? Every year (conservative estimate), the medical cartel kills 225,000 Americans and mains millions more. With one or two exceptions, NO ONE online picks up that story and runs with it.
And the feds keep injecting $2 trillion a year into the operation of the medical cartel.
—Politicians all over America calculate that they have no chance of winning an election if they expose what they know about the medical cartel and keep hammering on it. This sets up a situation where the truth is kept in the dark. For another day. For a day that never comes.
As you know, from reading my work, I don’t believe in another day. I’ve been around too long to buy it.
We’ve got DOCTORS, fully trained medical professionals, who are suddenly proud that they spotted a tiny corner of cartel operations. They’re waving warning signs. They’re basically blind to the whole landscape. When they presume to be leaders in the medical freedom movement, they function as limited hangouts. Severely limited.
The truth of the matter (any serious matter) is, you tell the whole story and accept the consequences. Maybe you lose an election. Maybe a medical society comes after you if you’re a doctor. Maybe you’re on the outside looking in. So what?
A thousand people all telling the whole sordid truth at the same time make a revolution.
That’s what we need.
Nothing less.
Why is medical the number one item in the federal budget? There are several reasons:
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