Green Card

    Green Card

    Originally published on: August 17th 2021

    Originally published on, translated using Google Translate

    In a previous text we have shown the unjust discrimination of a class of citizens excluded from normal social life that follows the introduction of the so-called green pass. This discrimination is a necessary and calculated consequence, but not the main purpose of the introduction of the green card, which is aimed not at excluded citizens, but at the whole population who have it. The purpose that governments pursue through it is, in fact, a meticulous and unconditional control over any movement of citizens, completely analogous to the internal passport that in the Soviet regime everyone had to have in order to move from one city to another. In this case, however, the control is even more absolute, because it concerns any movement of the citizen, who will have to exhibit the green pass to every move, even to go to the cinema, attend a concert or sit in a restaurant. The non-registered citizen will be, paradoxically, freer than the one who is equipped with it and the mass of registered persons should be protesting and rebelling, who from now on will be registered, monitored and controlled to an unprecedented extent even in the regimes more totalitarian. It is significant that China has announced that it will maintain its tracking and control systems even after the end of the pandemic. As it should be evident, in the green pass it is not health that is in question, but population control and sooner or later even members will have the opportunity to understand it at their expense.

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    © August 17th 2021 GreenMedInfo LLC. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of GreenMedInfo LLC. Want to learn more from GreenMedInfo? Sign up for the newsletter here

    Source: Original Article

    Originally published on: August 17th 2021