Four reasons NOT to vote for Donald Trump

Four reasons NOT to vote for Donald Trump

Four reasons NOT to vote for Donald Trump

 With less than a week until the election, the majority of American voters are preparing to choose between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. Despite both candidates being backed by the Zionist lobby and members of the Bilderberg Group, Americans are desperate to believe electing one over the other will lead to a drastically different country. Unfortunately, both candidates are backed by the Zionist lobby and members of the Bilderberg Group.

Since Trump is increasingly popular with people who claim to love liberty or consider themselves “awake”, we must take a moment to dismantle some of the narratives surrounding him.

Here are 4 reasons NOT to vote for Donald Trump:

The Unrepentant Father of the COVID Shots

We cannot forget that Donald Trump is Mr. Operation Warpspeed, the program launched by the Trump administration in May 2020 to “accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics”.

“President Trump has refused to accept business-as-usual timelines for vaccines and other essential tools, and instead has insisted that America, and the world, needs answers faster, Alex Azar, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services under the Trump administration, stated at the time, emphasizing Trump’s desire to rapidly release injections which the public would later find out lacked proper testing and safety measures.

It is this rapid release of the shots which has lead to adverse reactions ranging from Guillain-Barre syndrome, myocarditis, and death. Despite many of Trump’s supporters abstaining from the injections, he has called them “one of the greatest miracles of the ages.” Even when being booed by his own crowds for promoting the COVID-19 boosters, Trump has continued to brag about the alleged efficacy and safety of the shots.

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In a 2021 interview with Candace Owens he said the vaccine works and rejected the idea that people were harmed by the Big Pharma product. “The ones that get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don’t take the vaccine,” Trump told Owens. “And if you take the vaccine you get protected.”

Even as recently as 2023, Trump continued to deny the adverse reactions associated with the COVID-19 shots and tout the alleged benefits.

Additionally, the fact that Alex Azar was appointed Secretary of HHS by Trump is emblematic of his soft spot for Big Pharma executives. The moment Trump nominated Azar he came under scrutiny for his former connections to the pharmaceutical industry.

Azar formerly served as U.S. Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services under George W. Bush from 2005 to 2007. In June 2007, Azar began working as a lobbyist for pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly and Company. Azar also served as Eli Lilly’s spokesman as its Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Communications. Beginning January 1, 2012, Azar was promoted to President of Lilly USA, LLC, the largest division of Eli Lilly and Company – a position which put him in charge of Eli Lilly’s entire U.S. operation.

Trump also appointed Dr. Moncef Slaoui to the head of his Operation Warp Speed. Slaoui has extensive ties to the pharmaceutical industry and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. As I reported in May 2020:

“Following his education, Slaoui joined the pharmaceutical industry, serving on the board of Directors of GlaxoSmithKline between 2006 through 2015. Slaoui served in several senior research & development (R&D) roles with GlaxoSmithKline during his time with the company, including Chairman of Global Vaccines. GSK has a history of working with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on projects such as the development of a malaria vaccine and anti-HIV compounds used as microbicides. In fact, Dr. Slaoui worked for 27 years on the malaria vaccine, ultimately partnering with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to develop a $600 million malaria vaccine. When Slaoui took over at GSK, his predecessor, Tachi Yamada, joined the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

More recently, Slaoui sits on the boards of pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology organizations. He is also partner at MediciX investment firm,chairman of the board at Galvani Bioelectronics, chairman of the board at SutroVax and sits on the boards of Artisan Biosciences, Human Vaccines Project and Moderna Therapeutics. Each of these companies is involved in vaccine development and the emerging field of bioelectronics.”

Support for Limiting Free Speech

Donald Trump has shown that the Democrats are not the only ones willing to censor speech. As TLAV recently reported, the Republican Party platform under Trump includes calls for jailing, deporting, and censoring critics of Israel.

One of the most frightening elements of the platform is the focus on “pro-Hamas radicals”.

Under a section titled “America First: A Return to Common Sense” we see the statement, “Deport Pro-Hamas Radicals and Make Our College Campuses Safe and Patriotic Again”. Hamas is the ruling party in the Palestinian territory responsible for carrying out the terrorist attacks on October 7th, 2023.

This bullet point is likely a response to anti-Israel protests which broke out at college campuses across the United States this spring. While some protests were accused of being violent and threatening individuals, the vast majority were peaceful efforts to call attention to the genocide taking place in Gaza since October 7th, 2023.

The attempts to conflate all protesters as “pro-Hamas” is a weak effort by Trump and the Zionist lobby to demean the unified resistance to Israel’s bombing campaigns which have killed tens of thousands of Palestinians. The movement against Israel’s actions is a diverse alliance of Palestinians, Progressive, Left-wing Anarchists and radicals, libertarians, peace activists, principled conservatives, and apolitical working class people who do not want their tax dollars going to the senseless killing of children, women, and men.



While speaking at an event to mark the one year anniversary of the October 7th attack, Trump said he would “remove the jihadist sympathizers and Jew haters. We’re going to remove the Jew haters who do nothing to help our country, they only want to destroy our country”.



Trump has also called for jailing Americans who burn the American flag in protest. In June 2020, at the height of the George Floyd protests, Donald Trump called for locking up Americans for one year if they stomp or burn the flag. “And you know, we oughta do something Mr. Senators, we oughta come up with legislation that if you burn the American flag you go to jail for one year. One year,” Trump said at a rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

“You know they talk about freedom of speech, and I’m a big believer in freedom of speech, but that’s desecration, that’s a terrible thing,” Trump continued. “We should have legislation that if somebody wants to burn the American flag, and stomp on it, or just burn it, they go to jail for one year.”



Trump continued these calls in July 2024, telling Fox and Friends, “Now, people will say, ‘Oh, it’s unconstitutional.’ Those are stupid people. Those are stupid people that say that.”



One month later Trump repeated the call for criminalizing behavior which is protected by the U.S. Constitution. While speaking to the National Guard Association of the United States in Detroit.

“We gotta do it. They say it’s not constitutional. They say, ‘Sir, that’s unconstitutional.’ We’ll make it constitutional,” Trump stated.

Zionist Supporter

As Trump’s calls for criminalizing free speech which exposes Israel’s war crimes make clear — he is an ardent supporter of Israel and the Zionist project. This includes the ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people.

Trump infamously told the Israeli government,“You have to finish up your war. You have to finish it up. You’ve got to get it done.” He repeated the claim during his debate with U.S. President Joe Biden, telling Biden to let Israel “finish the job”.

This should come as no surprise since Trump has repeatedly made it clear he stands with Israel regardless of what crimes they commit. While serving as President, Trump gave what was then the largest aid package ever to Israel to the tune of $550 million dollars from American taxpayers. The aid came as part of the 2019 the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and included a commitment to continue giving $3.8 billion annually to Israel. Trump also signed a memorandum of understanding to provide Israel with $38 billion through 2028.

As President, Trump also moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, despite this being a violation of international law and UN resolutions. This move was celebrated by Zionists as a win for their movement.

Trump’s campaigns have been funded heavily by the devout Zionists Sheldon and Miriam Adelson. When Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem the Adlesons sat in the front row at the opening ceremony.

By 2020, the Adelsons donated more than $90 million into a pro-Trump super PAC. Earlier this summer it was reported that Miriam Adelson plans to invest another $100 million to get Trump elected. According to the latest September filings, Adelson has poured $95 million into pro-Trump super PAC, Preserve America.

Backed by the Bilderberg Group

Like Kamala Harris, Donald Trump is supported by a Steering Committee member of the secretive Bilderberg Group. Namely, Peter Thiel.

Peter Thiel is the infamous co-founder of Palantir. I’ve previously reported how Thiel and others in the right-wing of Big Tech have decided to go all-in on Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign. They argue that this is a defensive move to protect their industries from the encroachment of the Biden administration.

In 2016, Thiel donated $1.25 million to Donald Trump’s first presidential campaign.

While speaking at the All In Summit in early October, Peter Thiel claimed that he is not donating money to any political candidate in 2024, but is still supporting Donald Trump and JD Vance “in every other way possible”.

“I am still very strongly pro-Trump, pro-J.D.,” Thiel said.


Despite not giving directly to the Trump campaign Thiel has recently gained well-deserved scrutiny for his role in financing the rise of Donald Trump’s Vice Presidential pick, J.D. Vance.

J.D. Vance, the 39-year old Ohio Senator, was in attendance at David Sacks’ June fundraiser for Donald Trump. In fact, according to “two people with knowledge of the exchange”, during the event Trump “informally polled the room” regarding who he should choose for his Vice Presidential running mate. David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, and others all told Trump he should choose Vance. Elon Musk also reportedly encouraged Trump to pick Vance. A few weeks later at the Republican National Convention that’s exactly what Donald Trump did.

Thiel and Vance have an extensive relationship.

Vance claims that after hearing Peter Thiel deliver a speech at Yale Law School in 2011 he was inspired to pursue a career in big tech firms. Vance briefly worked at biotechnology firm Circuit Therapeutics, a move which then-CEO Frederic Moll told the NY Times was a “favor to Peter.” In 2019, Vance would found his own venture firm, Narya Capital, with financial backing from the former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, the billionaire investor Marc Andreessen, and Peter Thiel.

Peter Thiel went on to give $15 million to Vance’s 2022 campaign for Senate.

If Donald Trump is selected as the next president, J.D. Vance would be next in line to follow his presidency. This would all but guarantee that Peter Thiel — and the interests of the Bilderberg Group — continue to have influence over the White House.

Bonus Reason: Erecting a Police State in the Name of Fighting Illegal Immigration

The 2024 Republican Party platform continues Trump’s promise to “carry out the largest deportation operation in American history”. This is a promise Trump has been making on the campaign trail over the last 2 years and is likely to lead to a massive increase in police state measures by the federal government.

Unfortunately, the reality is that the border crisis has been allowed to fester to the point of Americans demanding something be done about violent crime from illegal immigrants, and ridiculous policies which allow violent, repeat offenders to roam American streets. Now that the domestic population is pumped full of fear based on half-truths and often exaggerated claims of immigrant-caused violence, the solution of a smart border wall with facial recognition cameras and biometric scanning can be presented as the solution.

“smart” or “virtual” border wall has been supported by Trump and the Biden administration. In February 2021, TLAV reported that more than 40 privacy, immigrants rights, and civil liberties organizations called on the Biden administration to abandon a bill which would extend the Trump administration’s border policy, particularly the ongoing creation of a “virtual” or biometric wall.



The letter came in response to the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 which would direct the Department of Homeland Security to implement new biometric and aerial surveillance technologies at ports of entry and along the U.S./Mexico border.

“This “smart border” surveillance technology is a continuation of the Trump administration’s racist border policies, not a break from it,” the letter stated. “We applaud President Biden’s efforts to halt Trump’s border wall construction and provide relief to immigrant communities, but protection from deportation and access to due process should not come at the cost of militarization and surveillance.”

The letter notes that the increase in surveillance technology at ports of entry is “concerning particularly because of increased biometric collection, which most prominently includes expanded facial recognition and DNA collection.”

Trump’s current answer to the immigration crisis is to call for the creation of a massive network of temporary holding facilities and camps as he empowers the national guard and/or the military to round up individuals accused of violating immigration laws. Former Trump administration officials told the Washington Post in early 2024 that he was “obsessed with having the military involved”.

The Post reported:

”As a model, he points to an Eisenhower-era program known as “Operation Wetback,” using a derogatory slur for Mexican migrants. The operation used military tactics to round up and remove migrant workers, sometimes transporting them in dangerous conditions that led to some deaths. Former administration officials and policy experts said staging an even larger operation today would face a bottleneck in detention space — a problem that Trump adviser Stephen Miller and other allies have proposed addressing by building mass deportation camps.”

While some experts doubt whether Trump will be able to implement such a massive plan, it will no doubt lead to a further expansion of the police state as cops are granted the ability to harass people based on the suspicion they might be undocumented.

Can He Be Trusted?

These points hardly scratch the surface of the many concerning aspects of a second Donald Trump presidency. For a deeper look at some of the concerns expressed by American voters see my tweet asking for criticisms of Trump’s policies.

A vote for Donald Trump will not lead America to liberty and will not end the march towards The Great ResetDigital IDs, and the Technocratic State.

Unfortunately, while many Americans recognize the danger that Trump represents, they are still convinced that he is the “lesser of two evils” when it comes to the choice between him and Kamala Harris. Even worse, some voters are choosing to support Trump simply because he makes fun of the media, or is hated by the “right people”. This is the sad fact of the current state of American politics.

If Americans are inclined to vote they ought to consider actually voting for someone who aligns with their values and principles as opposed to supporting a candidate based on who hates them. Additionally, we shouldn’t allow ourselves to be convinced by words alone, but rather judge politicians by their actions and the company they keep.

If there are no candidates which can meet this basic measurement of credibility, perhaps it’s time to consider abstaining from voting and sending a sign to the Predator Class that you do not consent to their political games.

By Derrick Broze

Investigative journalist

Derrick Broze, a staff writer for The Last American Vagabond, is a journalist, author, public speaker, and activist. He is the co-host of Free Thinker Radio on 90.1 Houston, as well as the founder of The Conscious Resistance Network & The Houston Free Thinkers.



(Source:; November 1, 2024;