Facebook Censors Posts From User Injured by COVID Shot

    Biden Justice Department Attempted to Censor the Censorship Documents

    A 52-year-old woman who has tried repetitively to post her adverse experiences with the COVID jab on Facebook so her friends can see what she’s going through is being censored by Facebook, which says her posts violate community standards on misinformation.

    “We have these standards because we want everyone to feel safe, respected and welcome,” says one of the warnings Facebook has put on her wall.

    Caroline Power began having adverse reactions to the Astra Zeneca jab almost immediately after receiving it, and within nine hours had experienced convulsions, shivering, breathing difficulties and low blood pressure. A British national newspaper printed her story in March 2023, but that wasn’t enough for Facebook.

    Instead of allowing her to keep a link to the newspaper article up on her page, they put a warning notice on her account. “If your content goes against our community standards again, your account may be restricted or disabled,” they said.                   

    Power, who is a freelance journalist, said, “It’s a ridiculous situation for vaccine-injured people, who have a right to information.”  



    Daily Mail January 10, 2024

    Source: Original Article

    Publish Date: 2024-01-10 20:57:17