Does actual TRUTH matter, or is EVERYTHING pragmatic and political?

Does actual TRUTH matter, or is EVERYTHING pragmatic and political?

Does actual TRUTH matter, or is EVERYTHING pragmatic and political?

 Jon Rappoport

Oct 11, 2024

∙ Paid

I’ve been betting on the truth for a long time.

But I can see why some people believe otherwise. They say, “Stick to talking about the evil vaccine mandate, don’t bring up the vaccine damage.”

Or “You can talk about the vaccinate damage, but don’t mention the fact that vaccines have never worked.”

Or “You can discuss why vaccines have never worked, but don’t reveal the non-existence of viruses and how that automatically makes most vaccines insane and absurd.”

I can understand why they want to draw lines.

Because if someone goes too far, he’ll lose the support of the public for all the other issues that count. “Our credibility will be lost and no one will believe anything we say.”

On one level, that makes sense. On another level, if we keep cutting ourselves off at the knees, the truth takes a hit.

I’ve opted for the truth.

I say it matters, no matter what.

At some point, I stop trying to explain why. Because I say it’s an article of faith.

And it’s simply a refusal to back away.

The refusal may be impractical. But I shrug that off. I leave the balancing act involving what makes the best political sense to others.

Or if I do opt for the practical, I explain why, and I include the truth in that discussion, and emphasize that implementing the truth has to be our long-term goal. Otherwise we’ll pay a very bad price and eventually everything will go against us and fall apart.

When I was much younger, I decided to go for the truth. I didn’t ask why. I didn’t think about why. And on top of that, I was so far on the outside, it didn’t make any sense to try to cut my losses or engage in a balancing act or weigh one possible approach against another. What difference would any of that have made?

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(Source:; October 11, 2024;