Criminal gangs extend COVID vaxx liability shield through 2029, to protect Pharma
Dec 18, 2024
∙ Paid
As Biden stumbles out of the White House into oblivion, his HHS has declared COVID vaccine makers can keep killing people through 2029, in order to protect America against a virus that doesn’t exist.
So no lawsuits against Pharma COVID vaccinators are possible.
Why was the liability shield necessary in the first place? Because all vaccines injure and kill people.
That was basically admitted in 1986, when a law was passed exempting manufacturers from lawsuits involving ANY of the childhood vaccines.
Which would be like the government telling car makers, “We know your cars are dangerous. Wheels fall off, engines explode, the steering suddenly goes out, the brakes don’t work, the gas tanks leak…so we’re going to keep owners from suing you. Rest easy. Make any kind of shit product you want to. We’ll front for you and protect you.”
You’d think, when the COVID vaxx was first launched, everybody knew the liability shield was a big fat clue: don’t take the shot, no one can sue the manufacturers.
But no. And then when the vaxx was MANDATED by Biden—if he even knew what he was signing—everybody would see the claws of the trap closing.
“Now we HAVE TO take the vaxx, and we can’t sue. Something’s very wrong with this picture.”
So now here’s a guy, a husband with a wife and four kids, and he sits in his bedroom all day long staring at the wall, he can’t walk, he’s had a couple of heart attacks, he has trouble thinking straight, and his family can’t get any money from the vaxx company that destroyed his life and put them over a financial cliff.
And HHS, which just extended the liability shield through 2029, is saying it’s doing the RESPONISBLE THING.
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