COVID Shots See 223 Times Higher Rates for Myocarditis

    COVID Shots See 223 Times Higher Rates for Myocarditis

    An investigation into adverse reactions to the COVID mRNA gene therapy shots has found that reports of myocarditis following the shots were 223 times higher than the average of all vaccines combined for the past 30 years.

    They were especially strongly associated with children and young adults, with the final outcomes resulting in hospitalization and death. Besides children, the side effects were mostly reported in young adult males.

    “We need to study more about how the COVID-19 vaccine might cause heart inflammation to find ways to prevent it and make sure the vaccine is safe for continued use in all age groups,” the researchers concluded.



    Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety January 27, 2024

    Source: Original Article

    Publish Date: 2024-01-31 19:51:11