A house, a city, fentanyl, death, in the Cradle of Liberty
∙ Paid
Let’s say you’re harboring a criminal in your house. He’s responsible for 50 deaths and many injuries.
You refuse to cooperate with law enforcement. You say you won’t let them in your house.
Do you think they’d turn away and leave you alone?
I mean, seriously.
They’d break down your door, arrest the criminal and you, and you’d face serious charges.
But if you’re a city? You can harbor the same criminal and refuse to cooperate with ICE because he’s an illegal and he’s precious.
Law enforcement will have to go around you, if they can.
Well, this time they did. In Boston, the Cradle of Liberty, where the City Council recently reaffirmed its Sanctuary status—meaning it’ll protect felons who are illegally in the US.
This time, the DOJ seized a significant amount of fentanyl in the process of arresting 19 men, 14 of whom are illegal aliens.
I’m guessing these traffickers have killed at least several dozen people with the extremely potent drug and injured many more.
But the government of Boston doesn’t care. The SANCTUARY is the most important thing for them.
Because they’re fanatics on a mission of destruction.
They’re government. They aren’t arrested. They walk free. They don’t face charges. Aiding and abetting? Not a chance. Facilitating murder by drug? No way.
Do they apologize to the families of those people whose lives they helped destroy, by harboring fentanyl traffickers?
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