Victor Zammit commentary: Physical mediumship provides compelling evidence of the afterlife
Unlike some Eastern religions, Spiritualism has always emphasised the reality of personal survival and the fact that it is possible to communicate with people who have died. To this end, it has encouraged the development of mediumship – most commonly mental mediumship and trance where the medium receives messages and passes them on to the client.
However, there is another very rare kind of mediumship that most people today, even Spiritualists, have never heard of.
When spirit people use a medium to produce phenomena that can be seen, heard, or felt by everyone present, the medium is called a “physical medium”. Because the energy used to produce the phenomena is affected by light and draws energy from several people, physical mediumship usually takes place with a group of people called “a circle” sitting in darkness. The medium usually sits in a cabinet – a curtained-off area where the energy can be condensed. The kinds of phenomena produced can include bangs and raps, objects moving with no apparent cause, spirit lights, levitating tables and other objects, causing objects to dematerialize and reappear elsewhere (apports) influencing scientific instruments without touching them, producing whispered voices and materialized hands and dozens of other “paranormal” effects.
In the most developed and rare kind of physical mediumship, scientists in the spirit world use the energy of the medium to partially or fully materialize people and animals and produce an artificial voice box so that spirits can speak independently of the medium. Estelle Roberts was a physical medium as well as a healer and mental and trance medium (see some of the 3,217 entries about her mediumship in Psychic News).
One very special kind of physical mediumship is direct voice mediumship. In these cases, the voices of your loved ones come from mid-air and are clearly audible to everyone in the room. They can be recorded.
Can you imagine having a two-way conversation with your ‘dead’ partner where they speak in their own voice for half an hour? You talk about people you both know and things that are happening in both your lives.
This happened to Dr. Dinshaw Nanji, an Indian Doctor who lived in Sweden when he traveled to London in 1971 to sit with Leslie Flint, the famous direct voice medium. Dr. Nanji’s wife, Anni, had died five years previously, and he was desperate to contact her. After that first session, he continued to travel to London twice a year for further sessions for the next 12 years until he was too frail to travel.
Fortunately, we have more than 66 remarkable tapes of their sessions. They talk in casual conversation like any married couple. Anni tells Her husband that she now looks about 20 years old and that he will also be young again when he joins her. She says he comes to visit her very often when he is asleep and cannot understand that he does not remember. Dr. Nanji said: “This wasn’t someone impersonating my wife, it was my dead wife who knew so many things unknown to the medium, Leslie Flint.”
Listen to some of their conversations.
Read more about the Leslie Flint tapes.
Because physical mediumship is a particular interest of ours, we have had many guests on our Zoom Global Gatherings who are researchers, physical mediums, or experiencers who have had numerous sittings with physical mediums. The videos of those conversations provide an excellent resource for those who want to explore the subject of modern physical mediumship in depth.