The needle in the arm of the military is a special exception
The needle in the arm of the military is a special exception
An exception to what?
Feb 07, 2025
If you could expose the poisonous nature of vaccines delivered into soldiers’ arms…
But wait. There’s something going on here.
Gateway Pundit is covering the story.
Turns out the Veterans Administration has a strict policy of compensating soldiers for injuries sustained as a result of toxic exposure. Asbestos, chemicals.
For example, NOT THE COVID SHOT.
Those medical exposures are ruled out, explicitly, in writing.
Let me take you on a little tour:
Well, if soldiers are compensated for those injuries, the DOD would be openly admitting all sorts of medicines and vaccines are toxic.
Scandal. Medical crimes exposed. Massive $$ compensation.
And by extension, this open admission of liability for medical injury would spread to the “civilian sector”—also known as EVERYBODY ELSE.
How could the law barring people from suing vaccine makers be justified?
And if soldiers are being compensated for injuries from MANY medical drugs, how could pharmaceutical companies evade lawsuits citing this military compensation?
ATTORNEY: Your Honor, this is absurd. My client is pursuing a claim of injury from [name of medicine]. We have, right in front us, out in the open, the precedent of the Department of Defense compensating soldiers who were injured by the same drug. What other evidence do we need? The drug is toxic. Soldiers were exposed to it. They took it. They were injured. The US military admits this, and has paid them. Is my client, who is not a solider, somehow different? Is he a different type of human? If you rule in favor of the drug’s manufacturer, we now have two different standards. Military and civilian. Or you’re essentially accusing the Veterans Administration of doing the wrong thing. Your course is clear. Rule in favor of my client, just as the Army has done for its own soldiers…”
What do you say to this, Pete Hegseth?
Robert Kennedy?
Donald Trump?
We need MANY soldiers to step forward and blow the lid off this scandal.
Soldiers who have been injured by medicines and vaccines, and who have been denied compensation…
Because there a special rule claiming toxic exposure to vaccines and medicines isn’t toxic exposure.
— Jon Rappoport
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