The Trump medical appointees; what can we REALLY expect?
Dec 02, 2024
∙ Paid
This article starts off easy, and gets a lot nastier. I promise.
Trump’s key medical team is now complete. Here they are:
Kennedy (HHS). Dr. Dave Weldon (CDC). Dr. Marty Makary (FDA). Dr. Jay Bhattacharya (NIH).
I think the last three will get Senate confirmation. Kennedy is a different story. There’ll be plenty of opposition.
Trump has a radical work-around, if he wants to use it. He can fire the current head of HHS, Xavier Becerra, leaving the position vacant. Then, “while making up his mind for a long time” on who to nominate for Senate confirmation, he can appoint Kennedy as the temporary head of HHS. That appointment would last up to 210 days.
If Trump takes this course, he’ll face a blizzard of complaints and outrage and pressure from many angles.
For the purposes of this discussion, let’s assume Kennedy gets in, one way or another.
What will Trump’s medical team push for on the vaccine issue?
A stance against blanket mandates to take shots, for both adults and children. But when it comes to children, the states already have the power to make vaccinations a mandatory requirement for attending school. Hmm. Perhaps Trump’s medical team will recommend cutting the number of those vaccines.
The team could change the rules for vaccine safety studies, which are conducted prior to FDA approval of a new vaccine. Making these studies more realistic would expose the adverse effects of new vaccines and make them less likely to win approval. This would be a step in the right direction—but only a step on a long road.
Kennedy wants to repeal the 1986 law that protects vaccine makers from liability lawsuits. I see no way Congress will make that repeal happen.
Kennedy also wants to unlock and gain access to the CDC’s confidential database, which contains thousands of confirmed reports of vaccine injuries. If he gains that access and exposes the data, he has a major PUBLIC RELATIONS tool. But legally speaking, he’ll lose any fight. Because an army of medical experts will successfully argue that these injuries are only a miniscule sample from the “millions of safe injections which are delivered every year, and which protect the public from serious diseases.”
What it all comes down to is this. Will Trump’s medical team go on full attack against the COVID vaccines and all vaccines as POISONS? Or won’t they?
We’re talking about REAL public relations. REAL exposure of the truth to all of America.
And the answer is no. They won’t. They won’t go all in.
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